на офф сайте говорят до сих пор нет пояснений с изменениями 3.05 ===> 3.06 =) что поменялось-то?
В ридми, который запакован вместе с инсталлятором все написано:
Ни о каких +15% скорости речь не идет ))
Fixes since version 3.0.5
When rendering, the clipping box sometimes generated radiosity artifacts into the cut
3D trees did not cast self-shadows.
Model x, y, z coordinates did not refer to the absolute origin. Access Ctrl+i under
Windows and Cmd+i with Mac: Coordinates/Position.
A Postcard saved from a view that had an accentuated character from the name's view,
was not recognized in the Catalog or caused Artlantis to crash.
In the Render Later Manager, changing a name in the list of points of view did not
update the name in the Render Later list.
Textures with some characters were not recognized.
The 64-bit version did not recognize Chinese characters.