ArchiCAD 14 Hotfix (Build 3477)
List of bugs fixed in this Hotfix:
111491,110299, 109515 DESIGN: On Interior Elevation Ceiling Line is missing at top when slab is on story above
115842 DOCUMENT/CRASH: Particular file crashes when updating drawing
115988 DOCUMENT: Associative dimensions are not up-to-date in the "auto-updated" drawings
116538 DOCUMENT: Dimension with custom text reverts to "measured value" automatically
110582 DOCUMENT: Layers temporarily hidden on layout, but not hidden in settings.
115019 DOCUMENT: Picture shrinks when plotted
112565 DOCUMENT: Rotating a worksheet that contains a PDF with more than 90 degrees makes the PDF disappear
112382 DOCUMENT: Memory optimization for working with large numbers of layouts and drawings
115792 DOCUMENT: The format of the zone stamp does not follow the Extra Accuracy settings set at the 'Project Preferences/Calculation Units and Rules/Length Unit' but it erroneously follows the settings at 'Project Preferences/Dimensions/Linear Dimensions'
114844 EDIT: 3D Connexion Space Navigator only works with the latest instance of ArchiCAD started on the same computer
111761 EDIT: After using 'Offset' command, parts are missing from the wall which get fixed after zooming
116181 EDIT: Choose Story dialog does not display floor numbers lower than -99
114419 EDIT: Copying a line takes long due to large embedded library
115972 EDIT: Freeze when using copy/paste caused by too many level dimensions in the project
112774 EDIT: Grid line dimensions of Grid Tool move in an auto update elevation after leaving and reentering its window
98681 EDIT/CRASH: Randomly while copy/pasting, if MEP Modeler Add-On is loaded 114073 FILE: Embed function doesn't work correctly if multiple libraries are selected
115429 FILE: Embedded library elements get lost if ArchiCAD's temp folder is cleared while ArchiCAD is running
112279 FILE/DGN/CRASH: Crash when opening a particular .dgn file
109132 FILE/DOCUMENT: Project Preview image is not saved with the project
115133 FILE/DWF: At export to DWF texts with various colors go wrong and national characters loose their accents
114842 FILE/DWF: Drawing shrinks when published/saved to DWF
115404 FILE/DWF: DWF file created from particular file causes "DWF Format Error" when opened in the Reviewer
112793 FILE/DWG: At DWG export if 'Saving Floor plan' is set to 'Explode complex ArchiCAD elements' windows and doors get exploded to separate lines
115553, 115857 FILE/DWG: Crash when opening XREF Manager in particular file
113085 FILE/DWG: If an opening is missing from a project that is saved as DWG, then other openings or even the wall might become missing in the resulting DWG file
114797 FILE/DWG: No DWG is saved if drawing is placed in view
115468 FILE/DWG: Publishing a DWG from particular file causes crash
114832 FILE/DWG: When a particular dwg file is imported orientation of some arcs changes
114306 FILE/DWG: Zonestamps go wrong after inporting particular DWG file to ArchiCAD
116994 FILE/IFC: While exporting IFC from 3D window ArchiCAD saves the non visible grid elements too
116860 FILE/IFC: When Partial Struture Display is set to "Load-Bearing Core only" slabs are exported as BREP elements
116316 FILE/IFC: When using Detect IFC model changes "IFC Imported Old" and "IFC Imported New" layers will be turned ON in all layer combinations and views
114378 FILE/IFC: After exporting IFC file and merging it into the same project creates new stories
113663 FILE/IFC: After importing IFC file extruded objects will be missing from the library
114307 FILE/IFC: After importing particular file beam object gets mirrored
114670 FILE/IFC: After importing particular file from Revit Structure some columns are missing
114726 FILE/IFC: After importing particular file from Revit Structure, roofs' height is incorect and some of them looses their thickness too
114333 FILE/IFC: After importing particular IFC file beams get imported to wrong height position
114141 FILE/IFC: After importing particular IFC file columns with solid geometry have 0 heigth
113968 FILE/IFC: After importing particular IFC file geometry of elements are corrupt 113011 FILE/IFC: Column with rotated profile doesn't export correctly
114851, 114567, 114570 FILE/IFC: Crash at Opening/Merging particular IFC file
115722 FILE/IFC: 'Custom property set' definition cannot be edited after creation
112364 FILE/IFC: Detect IFC model changes brings in wrong patterns.
115385 FILE/IFC: Export IFC XML crashes in localized ArchiCAD
109915 FILE/IFC: IFC: Crash at saving particular file with the IFC General Translator
116317 FILE/IFC: IFC: Custom Property Set Configuration works incorrectly
115347 FILE/IFC: IFCXML files cannot be saved
112873 FILE/IFC: Incorrect export in IFCZIP format.
110132 FILE/IFC: MEP elements can only be imported as BREP geometry
112805 FILE/IFC: MEP fittings are missing in the exported IFC file
112874 FILE/IFC: Mesh is not exported in 'Export Visible Elements only' mode
115846 FILE/IFC: Parameters of zones are not exported Using Extended Object Properties option in the Export Options
113276 FILE/IFC: Slabs classified as Roof will be exported as a BREP geometry isntead of Extruded geometry.
114383 FILE/IFC: The size of the file created with the GS Add-In is much larger then Revit MEP's IFC
111851 FILE/IFC: With particular IFC files Merge IFC takes too long.
116581 FILE/PROTECTION/CRASH: After Java update 3 for Mac OSX has been installed Saving XLS file from Interactive Scheduler, Publishing files to Internet, borrowing licenses from CodeMeter protection key causes crash and crash report cannot be sent to Graphisoft
114813 MODEL: ArchiCAD freezes with particular library elements when calculating texture coordinates in OpenGL 3D
113520 MODEL: If in the surveyors data to be imported values before the z value are fractions and the z values are integer then the imported z values become wrong
107561 MODEL: In 3D OpenGL glass material transmits light despite the Transparency Off setting
114835 MODEL: On some MAC OS configuration black lines appear in 3D OpenGL
105312 MODEL: Window is jumping when stretching it in 3D if the wall's bottom is at a height different to 0, the window is set to "Sill to Story 0" or „Header to Story 0” and the Pet Palette Movement is set to "Jump to preferred position"
115621 TEAMWORK: "Communicating with Server" dialog interrupts Send and Receive processes too many times
107635 TEAMWORK: After using Curtain Wall components from the modular BIM Server 14 and then the CW is edited by another team member than the CW either gets invisible or uneditable
113871 TEAMWORK: Crash caused by Interactive Element Schedules in Teamwork project
115730 TEAMWORK: BIM Server can freeze due to a deadlock in particular circumstances
116304 TEAMWORK: Connection is insecure when IP address resolution is not available from .hosts file or DNS server
114513 TEAMWORK: Fill area value doesn't update after Send and Receive 115970 TEAMWORK: If a user deletes a Markup entry with Comment not made by him/her, then he/she cannot Send changes to the server
113531 TEAMWORK: In ServerRestoreTool.log file resulting from the Restore process of the Backup tool the "can't be restored" and "restored" notifications are used reversely.
115271 TEAMWORK: Memory and hard disk space usage optimization
108443 TEAMWORK: Layer combinations not updating correctly in teamwork
115982 TEAMWORK: Library elemenents are missing if they were added to the BIM Server with IP address
111901 TEAMWORK: Serious error occures at Send and Receive with project containing nested hotlinks after a series of steps containing Breaking hotlink, Save, Updating hotlink and Undo
115320 TEAMWORK: Unusable autosave file after crash with TW project in particular circumstances
114710 TEAMWORK: Update is impossible with a hotlink circular reference that includes an earlier placed but removed hotlink
114052 TEAMWORK/CRASH: BIM Server Manager is slow, occasionally freezes or crashes when managing large Teamwork projects
116417 TEAMWORK/CRASH: When opening particluar project
115127 TEAMWORK/CRASH OR FREEZE: When resizing columns in Interactive Schedule in Teamwork project
115862, 116063 TEAMWORK/DOCUMENT: Dimension is offset in a drawing on a layout.
Bugs fixed in optional Graphisoft Add-Ons: 112221 ECODESIGNER: The Owner of the EcoDesigner dialog is not displayed on MAC
111692 ECODESIGNER: Changing width of the Infiltration header on the Structures Tab has no effect on the list of elements
115742 ECODESIGNER: Exaggerated effect of light settings on energy consumption
116902 ECODESIGNER: Low energy buildings are not supported in thermal bridge effect calculation
103068 C4D: C4D Add-On cannot read files that contain national characters
115397 VBE: executable files do not run without installed MSVC redistributable (vcredist)
110843 MEP/CRASH: Crash at placing pipeline
110842 MEP/CRASH: Pressing Escape after placing pipeline causes crash.
Windows 32-bit (all languages)Windows 64-bit (all languages)Mac (all languages)